The Winter Olympics are currently underway in Vancouver. I like the Olympics. I didn't think that there'd be much to mock. But then I saw some of their uniforms. (That's also how I knew that there really was a God.)

The folks from Finland are sporting a look that sort of makes me feel like I need to adjust the horizontal hold on my TV. Or the vertical. Hard to say with that squiggly pattern going all over the place like that. Hard to say.

For some reason, Germany apparently decided to go with the age old method of color coding their athletes, using baby blue for the men and some sort of a pink for the women. I thought we only did that with babies?

The Bermudans have a very small team. Maybe that is why they decided to wear very small pants. While I can appreciate the wearing of the shorts for which their country was named (or perhaps it was the other way around), aren't they a little chilly? It's the winter Olympics. Here's to hoping that they wear something a bit more substantial when they're actually competing.

And then we have the athletes from the Czech Republic wearing their jammie pants and their jammie poofy jackets. Behold!

Finally, here were the Norwegians during the opening ceremony.

Pretty normal, right? Seemingly harmless, correct? That's what I thought. Until I saw their curling team. Behold!

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