I thought this guy had finally figured out that he was no longer needed for any sort of political anything and would have gone quietly away. And he did go away for a while, though he could have gone a bit more quieter. (Did he really need to slap his name on a book that we're all supposed to pretend to believe that he actually wrote?) But he's back and it doesn't sound like he's learned much from his 15 minutes of fame.

According to a one Scott Detrow, who is a reporter for PA Public Radio, Joe the Plumber was on
hand to lend his support to Representative Sam Rohrer’s Mobilize for Liberty event. According to JTP, he's been approached by over 200 politicians looking for his "endorsement". (I have that in quotes because I'm not real sure what an endorsement from JTP would actually consist of.) So far, he's only seen it fit to back five of them. He makes it sound as if he has some sort of complicated vetting process, but it sounds to me like he sits down with folks to listen to them for a bit and then he decides whether or not he agrees with what they're spouting. I'm not saying that's a bad idea. It sounds fairly reasonable. All I'm saying is that it's not a complicated and drawn out process or anything.

I find it amazing that anyone would want to have this guy stump for them. I
mean, after all, who is this guy anyway? He's not really anyone other than the guy that John McCain grabbed onto and had as sort of a backup spokesperson for his campaign. (You remember John McCain? Him and that quirky lady from Alaska gave President Barry a pretty good run for the presidency.) If it hadn't been for McCain elevating JTP to a position of anything more than just a guy who asked a question of Barack Obama during an election stop, there would be no reason for JTP to be doing anything today other than unclogging toilets and laying pipe. (If that is, in fact, what he did before. I really have no idea, nor do I care. I was just going with stereotypical plumber duties there.) Oh, but don't expect him to be loyal or grateful to McCain or anything. No, he's done with that.
According to Mr. Detrow, Joe the Plumber "...said he doesn’t support Sarah Palin anymore...Because she’s backing John McCain’s re-election effort." He also said that “John McCain is no public servant" and he called him "a career politician". All rightee then. Let's see where that came from, shall we?

It's completely unclear to me why JTP has this impression of John
McCain, but he's not exactly acting like a guy whose life has been "screwed up". He seems to be a rather unappreciative and clueless guy who is pretty lucky to be in the position that he's in regardless as to how he got there. I'm not saying that he's lucky because he was some sort of hidden genius that the world would have never been aware of otherwise. I'm saying that he's lucky because who wouldn't want to be handed a platform (and a bunch of money) to go out there and say what they believe and have people seemingly want to listen to you? That's a pretty good gig if you can get it.

Fortunately, these Joe the Plumber appearances are usually short lived. We shouldn't have to hear from him or about him until at least May, maybe June if we're lucky.
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