Hello, well as i mentioned yesterday that todays phone playback AAC a format pushed thru by Apple who rejected the opensource (free) Ogg format and decided to develop their own heavily patented format, they just love a closed shop policy, wonder where that cancer came from Steve ? Fear ! Any way AAC sucked big time and has only recently caught up with MP3, meanwhile the itunes shop has forced other tech companies to buy in to (literally) the AAC format, hopefully Android will give us OGG playback because at 320 it's quality is still way ahead of that of AAC or MP3 ! People are smarter than companies. and computers as our story tells us, however that doesn't mean we always make the best choices..alas. As for me i will continue with OGG .
The Setting
Some years before the story opens, the huge Earth starship Challenger, on a mission to find Earth-like planets for colonization, encountered a meteoroid shower that killed all of the adult crew and seriously damaged the ship. The only human survivors were four babies - two boys, Telson and Darv, and two girls, Sharna and Astra.The four have been raised from childhood by androids and tutored by two disembodied voices called Angel One and Angel Two.
Well for those that like it neetly packaged in one go here are part 1 and 2 of the Earth Search Saga, 10 hours of exitement.

Earth Search 1 (01 - 10) (113mb)
Earth Search 2 (10 - 20) (113mb)
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